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Image by Piron Guillaume


Our clinic offers integrated medical service focusing on gastroenterology and   dental services to clients from all walks of life.


This is a procedure where a thin flexible tube with a camera at the time, called endoscope is used to investigate, diagnose and treat diseases of the large bowel, rectum, colon and the last part of the small intestines(terminal ileum) It may be done in patients who complain of altered bowel habits(Constipation and diarrhoea, chronic abdominal pains, bleeding through the back passage, unexplained weight loss. routine colon cancer screening and  monitoring of cancer after surgery.

Colon Cancer Screening

We offer colon cancer screening; 

Stool based tests.

Endoscopy Procedures

  • Colonoscopy

  • Flexible Colonoscopy

Liver Biopsy

This is a procedure where a small special needle is used to take a small piece of the liver to investigate the causes of liver diseases/problems or to monitor existing liver disease. The procedure is done through ultrasound guidance and patient monitored for a couple of hours and discharged home.  It is done under local anaesthesia. It may be done in patients who have abnormal liver tests despite investigations, worsening liver tests after taking medications/supplements or herbal ingestion, known liver disease to see response to treatment and patients who have liver growths/masses to investigate the origins.


  • Autoimmune liver disease

  • Alcohol related liver diseases

  • Drug induced liver diseases

  • Viral hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C)


  • Chronic pancreatitis

Nutritional management

  • Overweight/obesity management

  • Management of Food intolerances/Allergies


Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

  • Ulcerative Colitis

  • Crohn’s Disease

Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

  • Globus sensation

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Functional dyspepsia(Ulcers that won’t go away despite endoscopy and treatment)

  • Functional abdominal pain syndrome(Chronic tummy pain despite strong pain killers, scans and endoscopy)

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

This is a procedure where a thin flexible tube with a tiny camera at the tip, called endoscope is used to investigate, diagnose and treat diseases of the rectum and part of the large intestine (Colon). It may be done in young patients who have bleeding through back passage, itching at the back passage. Inflammatory bowel diseases with flare up. Patients with cervical cancer or prostate cancer who had radiotherapy now coming with bleeding. It is done without sedation.

Faecal calprotectin

This stool test is used in patients with diarrhoea to distinguish between inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. It may prevents unnecessary use of colonoscopy procedure

Faecal elastase

This test is used in patients with watery diarrhoea that is difficult to flush or there is excess fat (steatorrhea). It is used to assess the pancreatic function.

Helicobacter Pylori Stool antigen

This stool test is used for checking the presence of bacteria in the stomach responsible for causing ulcer symptoms (Upper abdominal pain, reflux, bloating, nausea or vomiting. The test is done while you are off acid suppressing medications for at least 2 weeks and antibiotics for at least 4 weeks. The same test is repeated atleast 4 weeks after completion of therapy to confirm eradication of the bacteria.

Common Conditions or diseases that we treat:


  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease(Heartburn and reflux)

  • Globus sensation( Lump stuck in the throat or throat irritation)

  •  Oesophageal Cancer

  • Chest pain not coming from the heart/Non cardiac chest pain

  • Difficulty /painful swallowing



  • Peptic Ulcer disease(ulcers)

  • Gastritis(Inflammation of stomach)

  • Helicobacter pylori infection(Stomach infection)

  • Dyspepsia/indigestion


  • Anaemia

  • Coeliac Disease

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhoea

  • PR Bleeding

  • Cancer

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